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Late Night Beers Against Humanity with Uli Gulje

January 19, 2022

Get in touch with your most awkward and hilarious self at our upcoming late night Beers Against Humanity!

Join us and 417 legend Uli Gulje for a night of shenanigans, good comforting eats, and delicious drinks at The Cellar on Wednesday, 1/19 at 9p.

Grab your late night snack, drink, and come down to play Cards Against Humanity with your wittiest pals for prizes and champ bragging rights! Game-master is Uli Gulje, our good friend and favorite emcee, Uli. Game play is free, just bring your crew!

Masks and best safety practices are strongly encouraged.

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The Cellar
507 W Walnut St
Springfield, MO 65806 United States
+ Google Map
(417) 351-2824
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